DCI* and DirectDraw*
Question: What are DCI* and DirectDraw*?
The graphics routines included in the Windows* Graphics Device Interface* (GDI) do not directly support video playback. The Display Control Interface* (DCI) was added to Microsoft*'s Video for Windows* to boost video performance as video became popular on PCs. DCI allows Windows* 3.x applications to access the video memory directly, as well as enabling image scaling and color conversion hardware on some graphics cards. DCI requires Video for Windows* 1.1e or higher, a DCI-supporting codec such as Indeo® video, and DCI-enabled graphics card drivers. |
Question: What about Indeo® video interactive and DCI or DirectDraw?
Indeo video interactive supports DCI for Windows* 3.1 and DirectDraw for Windows* 95. In Windows* 3.1 with a DCI-enabled graphics system supporting hardware color space conversion and interpolation (resizing), Indeo video interactive can deliver full screen (640 by 480) video at near-VHS quality. |